Peninsula Kidney Associates

Niche Marketing With Stellar Results

Website DesignWebsite + Digital Marketing
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Peninsula Kidney Associates made the decision to update both their branding and website to bring in more business. With TechArk’s help, their online presence is better than ever, showing an increase in both website traffic and the amount of time spent on the site by visitors.

Newport News, Hampton, VA

The Challenge

Peninsula Kidney Associates (PKA) is a full-service practice, providing diagnoses and treatments for kidney-related diseases and hypertension. They selected TechArk to perform surgery on their branding and website development, as well as to construct a custom digital marketing plan moving forward.

The Solution

TechArk started by refreshing the branding to better communicate Peninsula Kidney Associates’ services. Their new brand highlights the practice’s medical expertise and niche specialty with a state-of-the-art website for healthcare professionals and patients alike. The new site was developed to be easily updated and mobile responsive. The new, keyword-rich copy was incorporated as an SEO tactic to boost search engine rankings and improve visibility.


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